
Uh oh.

Posted by felan on Thursday, April 27th, 2006 at 11:26 am

So we've got good news and bad news.

The good news is that as you can see, during his time in Las Vegas, Magill found love and happiness once and for all. George Clooney, the roguish playboy coveted by so many, has had his goose cooked by none other than our resident Rockwell. In accordance to his wishes, he will be henceforth referred to as Magill Foote-Clooney.

The bad news is, nobody knows where Magill and George have gone on their honeymoon, and that means no new comic for you today.

I've got a wedding present for you, though, Gill- it's a set of spoons. Wooden spoons. Of Justice.


Posted by magill on Thursday, April 27th, 2006 at 9:26 pm

I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate to fill in for me while I'm off with my hubby. So you can keep your wooden spoons, Felan. And to think: you even wrote the next strip in the series! Well, since I'm sure you're all enjoying this filler, I'll save the strip I was going to put up today for Monday. I'm gonna go get some bubbly from the wedding suite mini-bar.

I kid, I kid.

Posted by felan on Friday, April 28th, 2006 at 12:29 am

We just don't want to break the spell of All-Magill April. It's too beautiful! ;)